You are now welcome to join us in person for 7:30 A.M. and 10:45 A.M. service. Some of our procedures have changed as of April 1, 2022
We are taking extreme precautions to insure the safety of everyone as you return. Some of those procedures include the following:
- You are no longer required to register for service. Feel free to attend either or both services.
- Mask are not required, however still highly recommended.
- We are no longer checking temperatures at the door. However, if you are not feeling well or have health concerns, we ask that you please stay home and watch service online at our regular service time.
- Practice social distancing while in the sanctuary, which includes spaced seating between attendees (families sit together) and limit movement during service.
- We ask that if you leave church after 7:30 A.M. service and plan to return for 10:45 A.M. service, please enter through the front entrance of the church so we can keep count of the number of attendance.
- Disinfect before, in between services and after our final service.
- Should we encounter any problems related to Covid-19, we will shutdown immediately and do a calling post to notify you. If you are not a part of the calling post, contact the church office.
- If you contract Covid-19, we ask that you please notify the church as soon as possible, so that we may contact everyone who attended service that day.
- Though not required, we encourage you to get vaccinate when eligible in order to help minimize the risk of contracting and spreading Covid-19.
We understand that everyone is not comfortable returning back to in person service at this time, so you may watch our live streamed services on our website, Facebook page, or YouTube page. You may also listen to service from the church parking lot on the radio in your vehicles. Security on duty in the parking lot will provide you with the radio station.
We are counting on you for your full cooperation in order to help this process go smoothly for the safety of everyone.