Previous Lessons:
Sunday, January 12, 2025 | The Majesty of A King's Reign
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 52:1-12
Background Scriptures: Psalms 47; 93
Print Passage: Psalm 93:1-5
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does the psalmist say about God's reign, power, and majesty?
2. How can Psalms 93 be used to encourage those struggling with chaotic situations?
3. How does the psalmist describes God's nature?
Sunday, January 5, 2025 | Our God Reigns
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Background Scriptures: Psalms 9–10
Print Passage: Psalms 10:12–18
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does the Psalmist call God to do against the wicked?
2. In what ways can Psalms 10 help you cope with feelings of despair or hopelessness when you see injustice?
3. How does this week's lesson help you in your reaction and your response to the news and events happening worldwide?
Sunday, December 29, 2024 | A Cry For Help
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Luke 4:14-21
Background Scriptures: Luke 18:31-43
Print Passage: Luke 18:35-43
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How did the blind beggar demonstrate his faith in Jesus?
2. What was the crowd's response to Blind Bartimaeus?
3. What should our attitude and response be to those considered undesirable and marginalized in today's society?
Sunday, December 22, 2024 | Breaking News!
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Micah 5:1-6
Background Scriptures: Luke 2:1-20
Print Passage: Luke 2:1-20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What message did the angel deliver to the shepherds who were in the fields tending to their flocks?
2. In what way was the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem significant and not coincidental?
3. Why was the angelic announcement of Christ's birth consider "breaking news" for humanity?
Sunday, December 15, 2024 | Jesus, The Heir of David
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Luke 1:5-17
Background Scriptures: Luke 1:5-23, 57-80
Print Passage: Luke 1:67-80
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was John the Baptist role as Christ's forerunner?
2. What was John's message?
3. What did Zachariah praise God for, and when did this praise occur?
Sunday, December 15, 2024 | Jesus, The Heir of David
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Luke 1:5-17
Background Scriptures: Luke 1:5-23, 57-80
Print Passage: Luke 1:67-80
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was John the Baptist role as Christ's forerunner?
2. What was John's message?
3. What did Zachariah praise God for, and when did this praise occur?
Sunday, December 8, 2024 | A Very Fine House
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 9:1-7
Background Scriptures: 2 Samuel 7:1-17
Print Passage: 2 Samuel 7:4-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was David's plan in this week's lesson?
2. Why is it important to seek God in what we want to do?
3. What was God's plan for David?
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | A Noble Family Tree
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Galatians 4:1-7
Background Scriptures: Ruth 1–4; Luke 3:23-38
Print Passage: Ruth 4:9-17; Luke 3:23, 31b-32
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How was Boaz significant in the life of Naomi and Ruth?
2. When did Naomi get her joy back?
3. What are the commonalities of the kinsman-redeemer for Ruth and the kinsman-redeemer for believers?
Sunday, November 24, 2024 | Wonderfully Marvelous!
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Exodus 33:12-23
Background Scriptures: Psalm 139
Print Passage: Psalm 139:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does God know about us?
2. What does it mean that God is with us at all times?
3. What does Psalms 139 tell us about God the Creator?
Sunday, November 17, 2024 | A Gratitude Attitude
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ephesians 5:1-2, 15-20
Background Scriptures: Psalm 100
Print Passage: Psalm 100:1-5
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why should we praise God?
2. What should our attitude be when we approach God in worship?
3. When and how do you express your praise and worship to God?
Sunday, November 10, 2024 | Whom Can We Trust
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 148
Background Scriptures: Psalms 146–150
Print Passage: Psalms 146:1-10; 150:1-6
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why should we praise the Lord?
2. When should we praise God?
3. How should we praise God?
Sunday, November 3, 2024 | When The Road Is Long
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 10:1-10
Background Scriptures: Psalm 23; John 10:11-14
Print Passage: Psalm 23:1-6
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does Psalms 23 say about God's unwavering love, care, and protection?
2. What provisions will God provide for us in the presence of our enemies?
3. What does it mean for you that God is our shepherd?
Sunday, October 27, 2024 | Dinnertime!
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 25; Daniel 6:10-28
Print Passage: Isaiah 25:1-10a
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Who will partake of the glorious feast prepared by God?
2. When will this glorious feast take place?
3. What does this lesson say about death, fears, and sorrow?
Sunday, October 20, 2024 | Dinnertime!
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 25; Daniel 6:10-28
Print Passage: Isaiah 25:1-10a
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Who will partake of the glorious feast prepared by God?
2. When will this glorious feast take place?
3. What does this lesson say about death, fears, and sorrow?
Sunday, October 13, 2024 | We're In A Tight Spot
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 107:23-32
Background Scriptures: Psalm 22; Daniel 3
Print Passage: Psalm 22:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why do you think David felt so abandoned, as expressed in Psalm 22?
2. How does Psalm 22 relate to the suffering of Christ on the cross?
3. What should our reaction be in the midst of adversity?
Sunday, October 6, 2024 | Regret and Remorse
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 7:5-11
Background Scriptures: Psalm 51; 2 Samuel 11
Print Passage: Psalm 51:1-4, 10-12, 15-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What occurred in David's life that led to him writing Psalms 51?
2. What did David recognize that he needed to do?
3. What does genuine repentance look like?
Sunday, September 29, 2024 | Time To Party!
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 104:1-9
Background Scriptures: Exodus 14: 21-31; 15:1-21
Print Passage: Exodus 15:1-3, 11-13, 17-18, 20-21
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Moses do to celebrate God's deliverance from the Egyptian army?
2. How did Miriam and the women praise God for their deliverance?
3. What did we learn about praise from studying this week's lesson?
Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Claiming the Treasures of the Past
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Chronicles 34:8, 14-27
Background Scriptures: 2 Kings 22–23; 2 Chronicles 34:1–35:19
Print Passage: 2 Chronicles 35:1-6, 16-19
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How does Josiah's preparations and celebration of the Passover demonstrate his dedication to God?
2. What are the benefits of following and obeying God's Law?
3. What can we learn from Josiah's commitment to obeying God's commands?
Sunday, September 15, 2024 | Is It Inevitable
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 8:29-39
Background Scriptures: 2 Kings 19:1-34
Print Passage: 2 Kings 19:14-20, 29-31
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How did King Hezekiah respond during a difficult and overwhelming situation?
2. What did King Hezekiah ask God to do for him and his people?
3. What did God promise the remnant remaining in Jerusalem?
Sunday, September 1, 2024 | Marking Transitions
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 4:10-19
Background Scriptures: Genesis 12–13
Print Passage: Genesis 13:8-18
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Abram allow Lot to choose which land he would inhabit?
2. When did God repeat his promise to Abram?
3. What did God instruct Abram to do after Abram and Lot departed?
Sunday, August 25, 2024 | Grace and Good Works
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10
Background Scriptures: Titus 3:3-11
Print Passage: Titus 3:3-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why does Paul emphasize remembering what we were before salvation?
2. What is the significance of maintaining good works as believers?
3. What is God's will for believers, as outlined in this week's lesson?
Sunday, August 18, 2024 | Zealous For Good Deeds
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 37:27-40
Background Scriptures: Titus 1:1-3; 2:11-15
Print Passage: Titus 1:1-3; 2:11-15
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What were Titus's tasks as overseer of the Cretan churches?
2. How does one renounce ungodliness and worldly passions?
3. What are we to be doing while we wait on the blessed hope of Jesus Christ?
Sunday, August 11, 2024 | Children of God
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Background Scriptures: 1 John 3:1-10
Print Passage: 1 John 3:1-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How does John explain the difference between committing a sin and continuing a sin?
2. How do we become more and more like Jesus?
3. How does John differentiate God's children from the children of the devil?
Sunday, August 4, 2024 | Hope In Christian Fellowship
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 121
Background Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5
Print Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20; 3:1-5
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Paul give thanks for the Christians in Thessalonica?
2. How did Paul express the value of Christian fellowship in this section of his letter?
3. What did Paul mean by indeed, you are our glory and joy?
Sunday, July 28, 2024 | God Redeems Us
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Matthew 25:1-13
Background Scriptures: Psalm 130
Print Passage: Psalm 130:1-8
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did the psalmist cry out for God to do?
2. What are we to do when we sin?
3. What does the psalmist say about God's goodness and mercy?
Sunday, July 21, 2024 | God's Word Brings Hope
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Proverbs 30:1-9
Background Scriptures: Psalm 119:73-80
Print Passage: Psalm 119:73-80
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the Psalmist prayer in this week's lesson?
2. What is the benefit in delighting in God's Word?
3. What kind of witness did the psalmist's desire his life to bear?
Sunday, July 14, 2024 | God Is Faithful
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ephesians 3:1-13
Background Scriptures: Psalm 71:12-21
Print Passage: Psalm 71:12-21
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the Psalmist requesting of God?
2. Why is it important to stay close to God during your younger years?
3. How would you describe the psalmist's praise in this week's lesson?
Sunday, July 7, 2024 | Hope Comes In the Morning
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 30
Background Scriptures: Lamentations 3:16-24; Psalm 30; Jeremiah 52:1-30
Print Passage: Lamentations 3:16-24
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the cause of Jeremiah's expressions of despair and hopelessness?
2. What does the prophet Jeremiah recall about God's love and mercy?
3. How can remembering God's unwavering love bring hope?
Sunday, June 30, 2024 | Life Beyond Death
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 3:1-14
Background Scriptures: Acts 26:1-11
Print Passage: Acts 26:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Paul's defense?
2. What is the "hope of the promise" that Paul mentioned during his defense?
3. How was Paul able to speak with such boldness in his defense?
Sunday, June 23, 2024 | God Is Trustworthy
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 23
Background Scriptures: Hebrews 6:9-20
Print Passage: Hebrews 6:9-20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did the Hebrew writer want the Jewish Christians to know and do?
2. Why is studying and remaining in God's Word important?
3. What can we learn about God's promises in this week's lesson?
Sunday, June 16, 2024 | Hope Amidst Differences
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 2:1-13
Background Scriptures: Romans 15:1-13
Print Passage: Romans 15:1-13
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What should our attitude be toward a weaker brother or sister in Christ?
2. Why are the leaders instructed to accept one another, despite their difference?
3. When does unity in the church happens?
Sunday, June 9, 2024 | Reflecting God's Spirit
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 2:1-13
Background Scriptures: Romans 15:1-13
Print Passage: Romans 15:1-13
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Paul consider as evidence to validate his spiritual credentials?
2. What is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant?
3. Why is the new covenant of grace superior to the old covenant of the Law?
Sunday, June 2, 2024 | Hope Amidst Suffering
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Galatians 3:19-29
Background Scriptures: Colossians 1:19-2:5
Print Passage: Colossians 1:24-29, 2:1-3
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What Is Christian hope and how is it developed in believers?
2. What was Paul's message to the Gentiles?
3. What principles can we learn from Paul's attitude about handling suffering for the sake of Christ and the Gospel?
Sunday, May 26, 2024 | Hearing and Believing
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 30:11-20
Background Scriptures: Romans 10:1-21
Print Passage: Romans 10:1-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How does Paul express his love and concern for Israel?
2. What does Paul say to the Jews about how salvation is obtained?
3. What is the path to righteousness, as explained in this lesson's text?
Sunday, May 19, 2024 | Remaining Strong
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Acts 2:37-47
Background Scriptures: Romans 5:1-11
Print Passage: Romans 5:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does it mean to be at peace with God?
2. How does suffering produce perseverance?
3. What is the "hope of the glory of God" and why should it motivate us to rejoice in suffering?
Sunday, May 12, 2024 | For Our Sake
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Genesis 15:1-6
Background Scriptures: Romans 4
Print Passage: Romans 4:13-25
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was God's promise to Abraham?
2. What can we learn about Abraham's faith?
3. What is the biblical relationship between good works and salvation?
Sunday, May 5, 2024 | No Need To Boast
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 3:1-8, 13-17
Background Scriptures: Romans 3:21-30
Print Passage: Romans 3:21-30
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What makes us right with God?
2. Why is justification by faith necessary?
3. Who is eligible to receive justification by faith?
Sunday, April 28, 2024 | Help For An Outsider
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 61
Background Scriptures: Matthew 15:21-28
Print Passage: Matthew 15:21-28
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Canaanite woman approach Jesus?
2. What was Jesus' initial response to the woman?
3. What was Jesus' final response to the woman?
Sunday, April 21, 2024 | How Much Do You Love Me
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 8:1-16
Background Scriptures: Luke 7:36-50
Print Passage: Luke 7:36-39, 44-50
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Who was the greater "sinner" in this week's lesson-Simon the Pharisee or the woman, and why?
2. What was the difference in the attitude of Simon the Pharisee and the woman in this week's lesson?
3. What does this lesson tell us about the nature of God as represented in Jesus' response to the woman's expression of love?
Sunday, April 14, 2024 | Healed From A Distance
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Zechariah 8:18-23
Background Scriptures: Luke 7:1-10
Print Passage: Luke 7:1-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What motivated the centurion to turn to Jesus?
2. Why did Jesus say that the centurion demonstrated great faith?
3. What was Jesus response to the centurion's request?
Sunday, April 7, 2024 | Helping A Friend In Need
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 4:4-18
Background Scriptures: Luke 5:17-26
Print Passage: Luke 5:17-26
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why were the four men so determined to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus?
2. What moved Jesus to help the paralytic man?
3. What two things did Jesus do for the paralyzed man?
Sunday, March 31, 2024 | Life Beyond Death
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Exodus 14:10-14, 21-23, 26-31
Background Scriptures: Mark 16
Print Passage: Mark 16:1-8
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What were the women contemplating on their way to the tomb?
2. What instructions were given to the women after they arrived at the tomb?
3. How is Christ resurrection a promise of present and future hope?
Sunday, March 24, 2024 | When the World Is Against Us
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-14
Background Scriptures: Acts 6
Print Passage: Acts 6:7-15
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What were the accusations brought against Stephen from members of the Synagogue of the Freeman, and why?
2. What spiritual disciplines must believers practice to remain faithful in all situations?
3. What did members of the Sanhedrin see when they saw Stephen's face?
Sunday, March 17, 2024 | Righteousness and Humble Actions
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Timothy 4:1-8
Background Scriptures: 1 Peter 3:8-17
Print Passage: 1 Peter 3:8-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What instructions does Peter give Christians on conducting themselves in a hostile environment?
2. What are the connections between Peter's commands that promotes peaceful living and their relationship to the fruit of the Spirit?
3. How can suffering strengthen the Christian's testimony?
Sunday, March 10, 2024 | Examine Yourself
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 139:13-18, 23-24
Background Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 13:1-11
Print Passage: 2 Corinthians 13:5-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Paul command the Corinthians to examine themselves?
2. Why is it important for believers to conduct periodic spiritual assessments of their faith?
3. What was Paul's desire for the Corinthian Church?
Sunday, March 3, 2024 | Build Yourselves Up
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Background Scriptures: Jude
Print Passage: Jude 17-25
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Jude's motivation for writing this letter?
2. What does Jude indicate as a way that Christians can defend themselves from false teachings?"
3. Why is it vital for believers to know and understand God's Word?
Sunday, February 25, 2024 | Waiting and Trusting
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Jeremiah 29:8-14
Background Scriptures: Habakkuk 1:5–2:5
Print Passage: Habakkuk 2:1-5
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Habakkuk's complaint against God in this week's lesson?
2. What is the practical meaning of the phrase "the just shall live by faith?"
3. How does God's response in Habakkuk chapter 2 provide comfort in today's world, where injustice always seem to prevail?
Sunday, February 18, 2024 | Facing Great Danger
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Matthew 8:18-27
Background Scriptures: Daniel 6:1-28
Print Passage: Daniel 6:10-11, 14,16, 19-23, 26-27
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does this lesson say about Daniel's prayer life?
2. Why was King Darius so disturbed?
3. What can we learn from this lesson about continued faith, obedience, and commitment to God despite our circumstances.
Sunday, February 11, 2024 | Power Without Equal
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7
Background Scriptures: Daniel 3:1-30
Print Passage: Daniel 3:19-28a
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What influences compelled Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego to risk their lives for their faith?
2. In what ways did Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego show their unwavering faith?
3. How can the story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego inspire us to stand firm in our faith, regardless of the consequences?
Sunday, February 4, 2024 | Power Without Equal
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 4:9-22
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 40:12-31
Print Passage: Isaiah 40:12-13, 25-31
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How does the prophet Isaiah describe God's magnificent greatness?
2. What was God's message to His people through Isaiah 40?
3. What does it mean to wait on the Lord?
Sunday, January 28, 2024 | Using Your Unique Gifts
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ezekiel 11:17-21
Background Scriptures: Romans 12:3-8
Print Passage: Romans 12:3-8
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What should our attitudes be towards spiritual gifts?
2. How are spiritual gifts issued?
3. How should spiritual gifts be used?
Sunday, January 21, 2024 | Overcoming Fear
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-15
Background Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 20:5-20
Print Passage: 2 Chronicles 20:13-20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Jehoshaphat's initial reaction regarding Judah's impending invasion?
2. What prompted Jehoshaphat to turn directly to God instead of trusting his powerful military force?
3. What can we learn about the power of prayer and fasting from this week's lesson?
Sunday, January 14, 2024 | Wise Beyond Your Years
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 56
Background Scriptures: Proverbs 3:1-12
Print Passage: Proverbs 3:1-8
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does it mean to trust in the Lord with all your heart and not lean on your own understanding?
2. Why is godly wisdom vital to the believer's life in Christ?
3. What are the forms of prosperity for the believer described in Proverbs 3:2?
Sunday, January 7, 2024 | Not Seeing, But Believing
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 5:12-21
Background Scriptures: Hebrews 11
Print Passage: Hebrews 11:1-4a, 7a, 8, 17-18, 20-23, 32, 39-40
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is faith as described in this week's lesson?
2. What did the heroes of faith in this week's lesson all have in common?
3. What is God's reward for those who live by faith?
Sunday, December 31, 2023 | Taking Risks and Reaping Rewards
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 49:1-6
Background Scriptures: Matthew 2:1-12
Print Passage: Matthew 2:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why was King Herod so disturbed when he heard the news that a King of the Jews had been born?
2. Why did Herod send for Israel's chief priests and scribes?
3. What did the Magi do when they saw the Christ child and Mary?
Sunday, December 24, 2023 | Sharing Hope and Courage
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 4:10-19
Background Scriptures: Luke 1:1-25, 39-45, 56-60
Print Passage: Luke 1:36-45, 56
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the spiritual implications of Gabriel's sharing the news of Elizabeth's pregnancy with Mary?
2. What occurred when Mary met Elizabeth?
3. Why and how should Gabriel's declaration-"For with God, nothing shall be impossible,"-encourage our faith?
Sunday, December 17, 2023 | God Brings "Outsiders" In
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 9:1-14
Background Scriptures: Matthew 1:1-17; Genesis 38; Joshua 2; 6:22-25; 2 Samuel 12:24; Ruth 4:13-22
Print Passage: Matthew 1:1-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why is it significant that Matthew begins his gospel with Christ's genealogy?
2. How does Matthew's genealogical account illustrate Christ's inclusive attitude towards humanity?
3. Why would Matthew's tracing of Christ's genealogy back to Adam be essential to his Jewish audience?
Sunday, December 10, 2023 | Facing Life With Confidence
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 27
Background Scriptures: 1 Samuel 17:1-58
Print Passage: 1 Samuel 17:31-37, 45, 48-50
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the foundation of David's faith and the source of his confidence to defeat Goliath?
2. How did God prepare David to defeat Goliath?
3. What lesson can we learn from David about courage and faith?
Sunday, December 3, 2023 | Changing Identity
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Acts 10:34-38
Background Scriptures: Ruth 1, 4:13-22
Print Passage: Ruth 1:6-18, 22
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What prompted Naomi to return to Bethlehem in Judah?
2. Why did Naomi insist that her daughter-in-laws return to Moab?
3. What was Ruth's declaration and response to Naomi's request for her to return to her land and her people?
Sunday, November 26, 2023 | Do What Is Helpful
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: James 19:1-27
Background Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 8; 10:23-11:1
Print Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33; 11:1
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does Paul mean by "all things are lawful, but not all things are expedient"?
2. What was Paul tell us about not causing our brother or sister to stumble?
3. How can we honor and glorify God with our lives?
Sunday, November 19, 2023 | Live As You Were Taught
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Leviticus 25:8-17
Background Scriptures: Colossians 2:6-23
Print Passage: Colossians 2:16-23
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What were the false teachers teaching in this week's lesson?
2. What was Paul warning the Colossians against in this week's lesson?
3. What does it mean to be crucified with Christ?
Sunday, November 12, 2023 | The Greatest Gift
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Matthew 22:34-40
Background Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13; Romans 13:8-10
Print Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13; Romans 13:8-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. According to Paul, why is love superior to prophecy, tongues, and knowledge?
2. What does Paul say about spiritual gifts and eternity?
3. What is the debt we owe that Paul describes should never be liquidated?
Sunday, November 5, 2023 | Enlarging Our Vision
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Acts 17:22-34
Background Scriptures: Acts 15:1-21
Print Passage: Acts 15:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the dispute and debate that led Paul and others to go to Jerusalem to seek counsel from the apostles and elders?
2. What does one have to do to be saved?
3. What was the final decision that the church agreed upon?
Sunday, October 29, 2023 | Free to Live A Mature Life
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Genesis 12:1-9
Background Scriptures: Galatians 3:19-4:7
Print Passage: Galatians 3:23-29; 4:1-7
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the purpose of the Law?
2. What does it mean to be justified by faith?
3. What example or analogy does Paul show that describes our life before Christ and after Christ?
Sunday, October 22, 2023 | All or Nothing At All
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Background Scriptures: Galatians 3:1-18
Print Passage: Galatians 3:1-14
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Paul call the Galatians "foolish" and "bewitched"?
2. Why was Abraham credited righteousness?
3. Why is it critically important that the church teach the doctrines of justification and sanctification as biblically presented?
Sunday, October 15, 2023 | One's Faith Is The Key
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Galatians 2:1-10
Background Scriptures: Galatians 2:11-21
Print Passage: Galatians 2:11-21
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was hypocritical about Peter's behavior in this week's lesson?
2. Why did Paul it was necessary to openly confront Peter for his behavior?
3. What does Paul say about justification and the Law?
Sunday, October 8, 2023 | Finding Life and Freedom
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Jeremiah 7:1-15
Background Scriptures: Romans 7:1-25
Print Passage: Romans 7:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Paul's purpose for writing Romans Chapter 7?
2. What does Paul say about the old life "in the flesh" with "the new life of the Spirit?
3. How does Paul explain a believer's new relationship with God?
Sunday, October 1, 2023 | A Matter of the Heart
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ezekiel 36:25-30
Background Scriptures: Romans 2:1-29
Print Passage: Romans 2:12-24, 28-29
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What Is God's basis for judging the Jew and the Gentile?
2. How would you explain, "a Christian is a Christian inwardly, not outwardly?
3. How would you explain what it means to be righteous in God's sight?
Sunday, September 24, 2023 | Judge Not
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Matthew 7:1-5
Background Scriptures: John 8:1-11, 39-59
Print Passage: John 8:1-11, 56-59
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did the Scribes and Pharisees bring the woman caught in adultery to Jesus?
2. Why spiritual principles do Jesus' actions reveal about His attitude towards sinners?
3. What does this lesson teach us about God's love and grace?
Sunday, September 17, 2023 | Who Is Trustworthy
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 119:113-128
Background Scriptures: John 7:14-24
Print Passage: John 7:14-24
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did the Jewish leaders challenge Jesus' authority?
2. Why were the religious leaders so hostile against Jesus?
3. What did Jesus say to the Pharisees about judging by "mere' appearance?
Sunday, September 10, 2023 | Doing Good Deeds At the Wrong Time
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Hebrews 4:1-10
Background Scriptures: Luke 14:1-6
Print Passage: Luke 14:1-6
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why were the Pharisees looking to catch Jesus in a mistake?
2. How should an awareness that the Lord sees our hearts affect our daily behavior and attitude towards others?
3. How should believers apply this lesson to their lives?
Sunday, September 3, 2023 | Attitudes and Actions
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Samuel 15:19-23
Background Scriptures: Luke 11:37-44
Print Passage: Luke 11:37-44
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the Pharisee's ulterior motive for inviting Jesus to dinner?
2. What did Jesus say about an outward appearance and an inward heart?
3. What was Jesus' critical analysis of the Pharisee's spiritual condition?
Sunday, August 27, 2023 | Total Power
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8
Background Scriptures: I Corinthians 15:1-28; Ephesians 1:15-23
Print Passage: I Corinthians 15:20-28
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does Paul say about Jesus' resurrection from the dead?
2. What is the connection between the resurrection of the dead and the resurrection of Christ?
3. What will be the last great work of Christ, the Messiah, before He hands over the kingdom to God the Father?
Sunday, August 20, 2023 | Commended
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 41:1-14
Background Scriptures: I Corinthians 4:1-21
Print Passage: I Corinthians 4:1-6, 17-21
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the danger of showing favoritism among those who God has signed to minister the church?
2. What is the minister's/pastor's responsibilities as a faithful servant of God?
3. What does Paul say about the Kingdom of God?
Sunday, August 13, 2023 | Build Up One Another
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Proverbs 2:1-11
Background Scriptures: Romans 14:10-23
Print Passage: Galatians Romans 14:10-23
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does Paul say about judging others"?
2. What does Paul advise Christians who are strong in the faith to do?
3. What does Paul say about promoting unity in the body of Christ?
Sunday, August 6, 2023 | Inner Struggles
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 44:21-28
Background Scriptures: Galatians 5:13-26
Print Passage: Galatians 5:13-26
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does it mean to walk in the Spirit?"
2. What does the Fruit of the Spirit represent in the life of a Christian?
3. Why was it important for Paul to be specific in listing the works of the Spirit and that of the flesh?
Sunday, July 30, 2023 | Searching For Buried Treasure
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Job 28:1-2, 12-19
Background Scriptures: Matthew 13:44-52
Print Passage: Matthew 13:44-52
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is Jesus telling us about the Kingdom of God in this week's lesson?"
2. Why do you think Jesus took such to picture the final fate of the wicked?
3. Why was it important for the disciples to understand what Jesus was teaching them in the parables?
Sunday, July 23, 2023 | Growing Together
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:1-10
Background Scriptures: Matthew 13:24-43
Print Passage: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why does Jesus tell us not to uproot the weeds immediately?"
2. What is the kingdom principle at the heart of Jesus parable of the weeds?
3. What does Jesus tell us will happen during harvest time?
Sunday, July 16, 2023 | Growing Strong
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 95
Background Scriptures: Matthew 13:1-25, Mark 4, Luke 8:5-15
Print Passage: Mark 13:1-9, 18-23
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the message of the parable of the Sower and the Seed in this week's lesson, and what do the four types of soil represent?"
2. What is the evidence that the Sower's seed fell on good soil?
3. What are the similarities between one who sows (plants) and those who teach, preach, and bear witness to the Word of God?
Sunday, July 9, 2023 | A Demonstration of Power
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Matthew 6:5-15
Background Scriptures: Matthew 12:1-32
Print Passage: Matthew 12:22-32
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What were the Pharisees accusing Jesus of in this week's lesson?"
2. How did the Pharisees react and what did they say about Jesus' healing of the man in this week's lesson?
3. What are the consequences of rejecting Jesus as described in this week's lesson?
Sunday, July 2, 2023 | World Peace
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 55
Background Scriptures: Zechariah 9:9-17
Print Passage: Zechariah 9:9-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Zechariah instruct the people of God to "rejoice" and "shout?"
2. What does Zechariah's prophecy say about the coming King?
3. What are the promises of God to His children that are described by Zechariah in this week's lesson?
Sunday, June 25, 2023 | A Fresh Start
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:12-21
Background Scriptures: Zephaniah 3:14-20
Print Passage: Zephaniah 3:14-20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why are God's people instructed to "sing," "shout," "be glad," and "rejoice?"
2. What are some of God's promises to His people in this week's lesson?
3. What is in store for God's people in the future?
Sunday, June 18, 2023 | All For One and One For All
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9
Background Scriptures: Ezekiel 37:15-28
Print Passage: Ezekiel 37:21-28
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the prophet Ezekiel instructed to do in this week's lesson?
2. What are the promises God made to the children of Israel?
3. What can we learn about "hope" from this week's lesson?
Sunday, June 11, 2023 | Dare to Dream
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 16:20-33
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 65:17-25
Print Passage: 65:127-25
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What do Christians have to look forward to in the future?
2. What is the message of hope in this week's lesson?
3. What will believers experience on earth during the Millennial kingdom?
Sunday, June 4, 2023 | Stop The Chaos
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Colossians 3:8-17
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 52:1-12
Print Passage: Isaiah 52:7-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Who are God's messengers, and what are they assigned to do as described in this week's lesson?
2. What is our role as a "Watchman" as communicated in this week's lesson?
3. What is God calling believers to do today?
Sunday, May 28, 2023 | The Challenges of Change
Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 3:1-14
Background Scriptures: Acts 9:1-31
Print Passage: Acts 9:9-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why was Ananias reluctant to encounter Saul?
2. What was God's purpose for using Ananias the way He did in this week's lesson?
3. What did Saul receive in this week's lesson?
Sunday, May 21, 2023 | Breaking Down Barriers
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Luke 10:1-9
Background Scriptures: Acts 3
Print Passage: Acts 3:1-119
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did the Holy Spirit guide Phillip to do in this week's lesson?
2. What enabled Phillip to explain the Scripture understandably?
3. What was God's plan for the meeting of Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch?
Sunday, May 14, 2023 | Healing A Man Who Cannot Walk
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Luke 10:1-9
Background Scriptures: Acts 3
Print Passage: Acts 3:1-119
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Peter and John's response to the lame man in this week's lesson?
2. What was the lame man offered that was far better than money?
3. What did the lame man do immediately after being healed, and how did this healing serve God's purpose?
Sunday, May 7, 2023 | Fear and Trust
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 16
Background Scriptures: Acts 2:1-42
Print Passage: Acts 2:1-8, 14-24, 37-39
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What happened on the Day of Pentecost?
2. How did the crowd respond to Peter's words?
3. What did Peter say about Jesus' ministry and why it occurred?
Sunday, April 30, 2023 | Hope and Power
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 24
Background Scriptures: Acts 1:1-11
Print Passage: Acts 1:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Jesus need to repeatedly prove to the disciples that He was alive after His death?
2. What did Jesus command His disciples to do?
3. What has every Christian been assigned to do until Jesus return?
Sunday, April 23, 2023 | Restored Friendship
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 7:1-11
Background Scriptures: John 21:15-25
Print Passage: John 21:15-19
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why is it significant that Jesus prompted three confessions of Peter's love for Him?
2. What were the three task Jesus assigned Peter during His recommissioning?
3. What did Jesus prophecy about Peter's future death?
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | Friends, Food, Fellowship
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 30
Background Scriptures: John 21:1-14
Print Passage: John 21:1-14
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What can we learn from this week's lesson about obedience and following God's instructions?
2. What was Peter's reaction when John said, "It is the Lord"?
3. What lesson does Jesus teach His disciples in this week's lesson?
Sunday, April 9, 2023 | Struggling to Accept
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 20:11-18
Background Scriptures: Luke 24:13-49
Print Passage: Luke 24:13-27, 30-31
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What were the two men discussing as they journeyed to Emmaus?
2. Why would Jesus have the two men in this week's lesson recount events He already knew about?
3. Why did the two men strongly urge Jesus to accompany them to their home to spend more time with Him and was revealed to them?
Sunday, April 2, 2023 | Amazing Encounters
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 22:20-31
Background Scriptures: Luke 24:1-12
Print Passage: Luke 24:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why were the women and the disciples surprised and perplexed by the absence of Jesus' body from the tomb?
2. Why did the disciples not believe when the told them that "Jesus has risen"?
3. Why is the resurrection of Jesus Christ so important?
Sunday, March 26, 2023 | One With A Mental Illness
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 34:1-7
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 51
Print Passage: Isaiah 51:1-8
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the condition of the man with the unclean spirit in this week's lesson?
2. When the demons saw Jesus, what did they say and why?
3. What did Jesus command the demoniac man to do after he was healed and set free from the demons?
Sunday, March 19, 2023 | Different But the Same
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 44:1-8
Background Scriptures: John 4:1-42
Print Passage: John 4:7-15, 28-30, 39-41
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Jesus "need" to go through Samaria?
2. What is the living water that Jesus speaks of in this week's lesson?
3. What did the Samaritan woman do after she had a spiritual encounter with Christ?
Sunday, March 12, 2023 | Wonder of Child Like Qualities
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 28
Background Scriptures: Luke 15:11-32
Print Passage: Luke 15:11-24
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does it mean to have childlike faith?
2. What was Jesus stern warning to those who cause weaker believers to sin?
3. What should our attitude be about greatness?
Sunday, March 5, 2023 | Love In Difficult Times
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 28
Background Scriptures: Luke 15:11-32
Print Passage: Luke 15:11-24
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What prompted the younger son to request his portion of his father's estate?
2. What occurred in the Prodigal son's life "when he came to his senses"?
3. How do the father's actions represent God's attitude towards repentant sinners?
Sunday, February 26, 2023 | A Important Role
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10
Background Scriptures: 1 Peter 2:1-25
Print Passage: 1 Peter 2:1-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What are some things that Christians should not engage in?
2. How can young Christians grow and mature in Christ?
3. What does it mean to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation?
Sunday, February 19, 2023 | The Rich and the Poor
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Amos 5:7-15
Background Scriptures: James 2:1-12
Print Passage: James 2:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does James say about favoritism in the church?
2. What should the believers' attitude and actions be concerning the poor?
3. What does James say about violating one part of the law?
Sunday, February 12, 2023 | Trust and Encouragement
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 15:1-14
Background Scriptures: 2 Timothy 1:3-14
Print Passage: 2 Timothy 1:3-14
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why was Paul's relationship with Timothy so special?
2. What power has God given us through the power of the Holy Spirit?
3. What did Paul urge Timothy to do that we are to do as well?
Sunday, February 5, 2023 | Wisdom and Foolishness
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 25:1-15
Background Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Print Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is "The Preacher of the Cross" as presented in this week's lesson?
2. What did Paul remind the Corinthians of who they were before Christ?
3. Why didn't the message of the cross sit well with with many in Paul's day?
Sunday, January 29, 2023 | Promise of Restoration and Gladness
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Exodus 33:12-23
Background Scriptures: Joel 1:1-4, 2:18-31
Print Passage: Joel 2:21-27
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why were the people called upon to "fear not" and to "rejoice"?
2. What did God promise his people?
3. What does this lesson teach us about the destruction of sin and repentance?
Sunday, January 22, 2023 | Living Right Over Empty Rituals
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ephesians 5:11-20
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 58:1-14
Print Passage: Isaiah 58:6-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the type of fasting that pleases God?
2. What did God want the people to stop doing and start doing?
3. What are the blessings of true worship?
Sunday, January 15, 2023 | Not By Our Own Devices
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 119:81-96
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 48:1-22
Print Passage: Isaiah 48:3-8a,17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How does God describe the attitude and actions of Israel in this week's lesson?
2. What promise did God make to Israel and believers today?
3. Why is it important to listen and adhere to God's teaching?
Sunday, January 8, 2023 | Fear Not!
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5, 13-17
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 43:1-21
Print Passage: Isaiah 43:1-4, 10-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Who was the prophet Isaiah preaching to in this lesson, and what was his message?
2. What promise did God make to Israel and believers today?
3. What was Israel and all believers tasked by God to do?
Sunday, January 1, 2022 | Promises and Consequences
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 30:1-10
Background Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 7:1-22
Print Passage: 2 Chronicles 7:1-22
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Solomon pray for during the dedication of the Temple?
2. What is the best evidence of having a sincere heart towards God?
3. What was God's expectations and conditions for Solomon and the nation of Israel?
Sunday, December 25, 2022 | Open To Be Chosen
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 9:1-7
Background Scriptures: Luke 1:46-55
Print Passage: Luke 1:46-55
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How did Mary respond when she received the news that God chose her to give birth to the long-awaited Messiah?
2. How should a believer respond to the awesomeness of being chosen by God?
3. What can we learn from Mary's attitude and response to God?
Sunday, December 18, 2022 | John Prepares The Way
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 1:29-42
Background Scriptures: Luke 3:1-20; John 1
Print Passage: Luke 3:2-6, 15-18
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the bold message that John preached?
2. What was John's response to the people who suspected that he might be the Messiah?
3. What did baptism symbolize?
Sunday, December 11, 2022 | Zechariah Is Redeemed
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Malachi 6:1-6
Background Scriptures: Luke 1:57-80
Print Passage: Luke 1:57-66, 76-79
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Elizabeth and Zechariah do after the birth of their son?
2. When God opened Zechariah mouth and set him free, what was the first thing he did?
3. What do you think the greatest lesson Zechariah learned from his dramatic encounter with God?
Sunday, December 4, 2022 | A Special Promise
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 10:22-30
Background Scriptures: Luke 1:5-23
Print Passage: Luke 1:8-20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did the angel say to Zechariah as he served in the temple and what was his response?
2. What was the chastisement for Zechariah's lack of faith, unbelief, and doubt in what he heard from the angel?
3. What can we learn from this lesson about waiting on God, unanswered prayers, and faith?
Sunday, November 27, 2022 | Tools Available to Withstand Injustice and Evil
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 91
Background Scriptures: Revelation 2:1-7; Acts 19; Ephesians 6:10-24
Print Passage: Ephesians 6:10-18
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does it mean to be strong in the Lord?
2. What does it mean to "put on the full armor of God" and what armor do we need to have?
3. What does this lesson say about prayer?
Sunday, November 20, 2022 | Made For A Purpose
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-8
Background Scriptures: Revelation 2:1-7; Acts 19; Ephesians 2
Print Passage: Ephesians 2:1-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does the Apostle Paul say about being spiritually dead?
2. What does it mean to be made alive with Christ?
3. What were we created in Christ to do?
Sunday, November 13, 2022 | Wisdom As Enlightenment of Heart
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 16
Background Scriptures: Revelation 2:1-7; Acts 19; Ephesians 1:15-23
Print Passage: Ephesians 1:15-23
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Paul acknowledging and thanking God for in relation to the Christian coverts at Ephesus?
2. What did Paul pray for in his intercessory prayer for the Christian coverts at Ephesus?
3. Why is having spiritual understanding and enlightenment vital to the believer's relationship with God?
Sunday, November 6, 2022 | Chosen
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Esther 4:5-17
Background Scriptures: Revelation 2:1-7; Acts 19; Ephesians 1:1-14
Print Passage: Ephesians 1:1-14
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What are the spiritual blessings that Paul describes in this week's lesson?
2. How do we obtain these spiritual blessings?
3. What should be our response to the gracious blessings God provides through salvation?
Sunday, October 30, 2022 | The Heart of A Leader
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Acts 13:21-31
Background Scriptures: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Print Passage: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why was Samuel mourning for Saul?
2. What did God instruct Samuel to do and why was he fearful?
3. What are God's criteria for selecting leaders?
Sunday, October 23, 2022 | We Want A Human King
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 93:1-5
Background Scriptures: 1 Samuel 8:1-9; 10:17-26
Print Passage: 1 Samuel 8:4-7; 10:17-24
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What motivated Israel's elders to request a human king?
2. What does Samuel say to the people about God's faithfulness?
3. Why is having spiritual discernment important in the choices we make?
Sunday, October 16, 2022 | Confidence Provides Necessary Courage
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Background Scriptures: Judges 6:1-27
Print Passage: Judges 6:1-2, 7-16
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Whom did God allow to oppress the Israelites in this week's lesson, and to what extent and how severe was the oppression?
2. What did the Israelites do as a result of their suffering and oppression?
3. What was Gideon's response to God's calling, and what assurances did God give him?
Sunday, October 9, 2022 | Expressing Thankfulness
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Exodus 14:21-31
Background Scriptures: Deuteronomy 31:30–32:47
Print Passage: Deuteronomy 32:3-6, 10-14, 18
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Moses' reason for reviewing Israel's history?
2. What was the attitude of the children of Israel toward God?
3. What does this lesson challenge believers to do?
Sunday, October 2, 2022 | Protective Family
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Acts 7:17-29
Background Scriptures: Exodus 1:15-22; 2:1-10, 15-22
Print Passage: Exodus 2:1-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Moses' parents make a special effort to spare their son's life, and what measures did they take?
2. What important role did Moses' sister perform?
3. What instructions did Pharaoh's daughter give to Moses' mother, and what provision did she provide?
Sunday, September 25, 2022 | Dynamics of Family Leadership
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Numbers 24:2-9, 15-17
Background Scriptures: Genesis 35:22b-26; 38:12-19, 24-26; 49:8-12
Print Passage: Genesis 35:22b-26; 38:24-26; 49:10-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What disqualified Reuben, Jacob's first born, from receiving the inheritance?
2. What does this lesson teach us about sin, repentance, and blessings?
3. What did Tamar do when she that Judah failed to follow through with her marriage to his youngest son?
Sunday, September 18, 2022 | Persevere In Times of Difficulty
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 11:25-32
Background Scriptures: Genesis 32:22-32
Print Passage: Genesis 32:22-32
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why was Jacob so fearful on his return to Canaan to meet his brother?
2. Who was Jacob struggling with, and what was the outcome?
3. What was the significance of Jacob's new name?
Sunday, September 11, 2022 | An Unexpected Choice
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 75
Background Scriptures: Genesis 25:19-34
Print Passage: Genesis 25:19b-34
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What can we learn about prayer while waiting for God's promise to be fulfilled?
2. What was the symbolic significance of the struggle occurring in Rebeka's womb?
3. What can we learn about the actions of Esau and Jacob regarding their value of the birthright?
Sunday, September 4, 2022 | Unbroken Promises
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Hebrews 11:8-19
Background Scriptures: Genesis 12:1-7; 15:1-7
Print Passage: Genesis 12:1-5, 7 ; 15:1-7
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was God's promise to Abram and what was Abram expected to do?
2. What is the significance of Abram building an altar in Shechem?
3. How does God reassure Abram of His promises made to him?
Sunday, August 28, 2022 | No Substitute
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 119:97-104
Background Scriptures: Revelation 22:8-21
Print Passage: Revelation 22:10-21
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was John instructed to do after his vision was over?
2. What is the meaning of the phrase "who washed their robes" in this week's lesson?
3. What are the dangers of falsely tampering with God's Word?
Sunday, August 21, 2022 | No Better Refreshment
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 46:1-7
Background Scriptures: Revelation 22:1-7
Print Passage: Revelation 22:1-7
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the source of the "river of the water of life" and what will it do for the redeemed in eternity?
2. What will be believers be doing in the New Jerusalem?
3. What should believers be doing while waiting on Christ's return?
Sunday, August 14, 2022 | No Place Like It
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-13
Background Scriptures: Revelation 21:10-27
Print Passage: Revelation 21:10-21
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What are some of the outstanding features of the Holy City that John sees and describes?
2. How is the glory of God illuminated and expressed in the Holy City?
3. Who will be included in the Holy City?
Sunday, August 7, 2022 | No More Tears
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 32:9-20
Background Scriptures: Revelation 21:1-9
Print Passage: Revelation 21:1-9
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did John see in his vision from God and what was he instructed to write down?
2. How does John describe the New Jerusalem?
3. What is the promise to those who receive the gift of eternal life?
Sunday, July 31, 2022 | Present Forever
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 119:161-168
Background Scriptures: John 14:15-31
Print Passage: John 14:15-29
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Jesus promise his disciples?
2. What did Jesus promise to those who love Him and obey Him?
3. What did Jesus promise the disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them remember?
Sunday, July 24, 2022 | Conquering The Ultimate Enemy
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 3:1-11
Background Scriptures: John 11127-44
Print Passage: John 11:17-27, 38-44
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Jesus purposely delay His response to Mary and Martha?
2. What was Jesus saying when He proclaimed Himself as the Resurrection and the Life?
3. What is the ultimate hope of believers in Jesus Christ?
Sunday, July 17, 2022 | Bringing the Light
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 5:31-40
Background Scriptures: John 12:27-50
Print Passage: John 12:44-50
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Jesus' final public invitation to the world?
2. What did Jesus emphasize in this lesson that He came into the world to do?
3. What can we share from this week's lesson with unbelievers?
Sunday, July 10, 2022 | Never To Far
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 107:1-20
Background Scriptures: John 4:46-54
Print Passage: John 4:46-54
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What kind of faith does Jesus want believers to have?
2. What did Jesus tell the nobleman to do in this week's lesson?
3. What can we learn about faith from this week's lesson?
Missed a week?
Sunday, July 3, 2022 | The Reason For It All
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 2:5-11
Background Scriptures: John 1:1-14
Print Passage: John 1:1-14
Here are some questions to consider:
1. How does the apostle John explain Christ's being with God while being God?
2. What was so significant about what God called John the Baptist to do?
3. Why is it that so many of Jesus' people own people rejected him?
Sunday, June 26, 2022 | Back To Basics
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 34:1-7
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 51
Print Passage: Isaiah 51:1-8
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why were the believing remnant of Israel called upon to look back at their history?
2. What does this lesson say about God's faithfulness to those who put their trust in Him?
3. What is God's promise that will last forever?
Sunday, June 19, 2022 | All Things Put Right
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 30:1-10
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 49:18-26
Print Passage: Isaiah 49:18-23
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the Isaiah encouraging the people to do in this week's lesson?
2. What have the redeemed been commissioned to do?
3. What do the children of God have to look forward to?
Sunday, June 12, 2022 | A Mission To Save
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 130
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 49:1-17
Print Passage: Isaiah 49:1-13
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the Servant's mission as described in this week's lesson?
2. What does the Lord say will happen to Israel in the future?
3. What is God's promise to Israel and all of God's people?
Sunday, June 5, 2022 | Nowhere to Run
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Micah 3:1-12
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 47
Print Passage: Isaiah 47:10-15
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did the Babylonians boast about having?
2. Who did the Babylonians for their guidance and direction and protection?
3. What were the proud Babylonians urged to go ahead and do?
Sunday, May 29, 2022 | Choosing Well
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 6:1-7
Background Scriptures: Galatians 5:16-26
Print Passage: Galatians 5:16-26
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does Paul say about the two conflicting forces that occur within the life of a believer?
2. What are the various categories of the "works of the flesh" that Paul describes in this week's lesson, and what does he say about them?
3. What does it mean to walk in the Spirit, and what does it require?
Sunday, May 22, 2022 | Freed To Love
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Background Scriptures: Galatians 5:1-15
Print Passage: Galatians Galatians 5:1-15
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is it that Paul continues to insist that the Galatian congregation continue to do?
2. What was Paul's concern about circumcision?
3. What does true freedom in Christ mean?
Sunday, May 15, 2022 | Receiving A Good Inheritance
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Peter 2:13-17
Background Scriptures: Galatians 3
Print Passage: Galatians 3:18-29
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why was the Mosaic Law given?
2. What did Paul say about the law, sin, and salvation?
3. What is the good news for all people?
Sunday, May 8, 2022 | Hope For the Future
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:12-18
Background Scriptures: Romans 8:18-30
Print Passage: Romans 8:18-30
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does Paul say about our present sufferings in relation to eternity?
2. What is it that all creations groans for that Paul describes?
3. What was Paul referring to when he said all things work for the good of those who love God?
Sunday, May 1, 2022 | Freed From The Past
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 8:2-4
Background Scriptures: Romans 6:1-14
Print Passage: Romans 6:1-14
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What point was Paul making concerning the redeemed believer's response to God's grace?
2. What does baptism represent for the believer?
3. How does one overcome the power of sin in their life?
Sunday, April 24, 2022 | Experiencing Liberation
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Galatians 5:1-13
Background Scriptures: John 8:31-38
Print Passage: John 8:31-38
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Jesus instruct His hearers to continue to do?
2. What did Jesus mean when he said, Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free?
3. How would you respond to someone today who rejects Jesus' message?
Sunday, April 17, 2022 | The Eternal Hope
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 20:11-18
Background Scriptures: Matthew 27; 28:1-10
Print Passage: Matthew 28:1-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What were the women going to the tomb to do, and what surprise did they discover?
2. What did the angel say to the women and command them to do?
3. What were the women running quickly to tell the disciples?
Sunday, April 10, 2022 | The Unforgettable Leader
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 13:1-17
Background Scriptures: Matthew 26:17-30
Print Passage: Matthew 26:17-30
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What direction did Jesus give his disciples in their preparation for the Passover?
2. What did Jesus say about the man who would betray him?
3. What did Jesus institute during the Passover feast?
Sunday, April 3, 2022 | Leader With Humility
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 12:12-16
Background Scriptures: Matthew 21:1-11
Print Passage: Matthew 21:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Jesus instruct two of His disciples to do as they approached Jerusalem?
2. What prophecy was fulfilled in this week's lesson?
3. How did the people of Israel rejoice and celebrate Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem?
Sunday, March 27, 2022 | The Resolve To Remember
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 7:6-11
Background Scriptures: Deuteronomy 8
Print Passage: Deuteronomy 8:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is Moses reminding the people to never forget?
2. What did God want the children of Israel to specifically remember about their wilderness experience?
3. How would you describe the land that the children of Israel would be entering?
Sunday, March 20, 2022 | The Celebration of Completion
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ezra 3:10-13
Background Scriptures: Ezra 6:13-22; Leviticus 23:4-8
Print Passage: Ezra 6:13-22
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What preparations did the people of Israel make before the temple?
2. Who celebrated with them?
3. What feast did the Jews celebrate shortly after the temple was rebuilt?
Sunday, March 13, 2022 | Support for Needed Projects
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ezra 3:1-6
Background Scriptures: Ezra 5; 6:1-12; 10:1-5
Print Passage: Ezra 6:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did King Darius add to King Cyrus' decree?
2. What important role did King Darius play in the completion of the temple in Jerusalem?
3. What message did King Darius send the Governor and the other officials about completing the work of the temple?
Sunday, March 6, 2022 | The Resources To Rebuild
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ezra 2:1, 64-70
Background Scriptures: Ezra 1; 2:64-70
Print Passage: Ezra 1:1-8, 11; 2:64-70
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did King Cyrus recognize and say about God?
2. What did King Cyrus do to contribute to the Jews in their return to Jerusalem?
3. Who returned to Jerusalem out of Babylon and what did they do?
Sunday, February 27, 2022 | Hope For Justice
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Zechariah 7:8-14
Background Scriptures: Job 42
Print Passage: Job 42:1-6, 10-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Job realize about the nature of God?
2. What happened to Job's life after he prayed for his friends?
3. What did God restore back to Job?
Sunday, February 20, 2022 | Enduring False Claims
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: James 1:1-4
Background Scriptures: Job 8
Print Passage: Job 8:1-10, 20-22
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Bildad harshly accuse Job of in this week's lesson?
2. What was Bildad's explanation as to why Job was suffering?
3. What was Bildad's theology base for his accusations against Job?
Sunday, February 13, 2022 | Restoring Law And Order
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Timothy 1:9-10
Background Scriptures: Ezra 7:1-26
Print Passage: Ezra 7:1-10, 23-26
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Ezra very well versed in doing?
2. What was Ezra called to do in this week's lesson?
3. What favor did Ezra receive from God and the king?
Sunday, February 6, 2022 | Speaking Truth To Power
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-15
Background Scriptures: 2 Samuel 12
Print Passage: 2 Samuel 12:1-9, 13-15
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What approach did Nathan use when he confronted David?
2. How did David react to Nathan's story?
3. What were the consequences of David's sin?
Sunday, January 30, 2022 | Countercultural Compassion
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Luke 9:1-17
Background Scriptures: Deuteronomy 24:10-21
Print Passage: Deuteronomy 24:10-21
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is Countercultural Compassion and what does it look like in our society today?
2. How was the lender expected to treat and respond to the borrower in this week's lesson?
3. What did Moses continually remind Israel that they must always do?
Sunday, January 23, 2022 | Incorruptible Leaders
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 46:10-11
Background Scriptures: Deuteronomy 16:18-20; 17:8-13; 19:15-2
Print Passage: Deuteronomy 16:18-20; 17:8-13
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What are believers expected to do in their dealings with others?
2. What does God say about fair treatment of our enemies?
3. What is God teaching us about the Sabbath day and Sabbath year?
Sunday, January 16, 2022 | Unbiased Actions
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Peter 3:8-12
Background Scriptures: Exodus 23
Print Passage: Exodus 23:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What are believers expected to do in their dealings with others?
2. What does God say about fair treatment of our enemies?
3. What is God teaching us about the Sabbath day and Sabbath year?
Sunday, January 9, 2022 | Improbable Hope
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Jeremiah 29:10-14
Background Scriptures: Genesis 21:8-21
Print Passage: Genesis 21:8-20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What contributed to the escalation of conflict between Sarah and Hagar?
2. What was Abraham's response to Sarah's demand?
3. What did God assure Abraham regarding Ishmael?
Sunday, January 2, 2022 | Undeserved Mercy
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 31:9-16
Background Scriptures: Genesis 4
Print Passage: Genesis 4:1-13
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did God reject Cain's offering?
2. What was Cain's reaction to the rejection of his offering?
3. What was God's response to Cain's behavior?
Sunday, December 26, 2021 | The Consequences of Justice
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Exodus 34:1-10
Background Scriptures: Nahum 1
Print Passage: Nahum 1:1-3, 6-8, 12-13, 15
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why was the Lord furious against Nineveh?
2. What did God promise what would happen to the people of Nineveh?
3. What is the message of hope and comfort in this week's lesson?
Sunday, December 19, 2021 | The Source of Justice
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Micah 6:1-8
Background Scriptures: Isaiah 9:1-7
Print Passage: Isaiah 9:1-7
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the great light that is spoken of in this lesson?
2. What is the nature of this new day that Isaiah describes?
3. What is the basis of hope as predicted by prophet Isaiah?
Sunday, December 12, 2021 | The Mercy of Justice
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Proverbs 18:24
Background Scriptures: 2 Samuel 9
Print Passage: 2 Samuel 9:1-7, 9-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What covenant promise did Jonathan and David make together?
2. What was the reaction of Jonathan's son when he was brought to David as requested?
3. What provisions did David make for Jonathan's son?
Sunday, December 5, 2021 | The Protection of Justice
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Matthew 22:36-40
Background Scriptures: Deuteronomy 5; 10; 27; 28:1-2
Print Passage: Deuteronomy 5:1b-3; 10:12-13; 27:1-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What were the Israelites instructed to hear, learn, observe, and do as they prepare to enter the Promised Land?
2. What activities were the Israelites instructed to complete when they crossed the Jordan into the Promise Land?
3. Why was it necessary for Moses to review the commandments with the children of Israel?
Sunday, November 28, 2021 | No Difference
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Acts 15:6-18
Background Scriptures: Acts 10:34-47
Print Passage: Acts 10:34-47
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What impact did the power of the Holy Spirit and divine intervention have on changing Peter's mind about a group of people?
2. What was Peter's message to Cornelius, his family, and his household?
3. What does the statement, "God is not a respecter of persons" mean in the lesson?
Sunday, November 21, 2021 | Family Restored
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Revelations 5:1-14
Background Scriptures: Revelation 19
Print Passage: Revelation 19:1-8
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the multitude in heaven singing and shouting about?
2. Who is referred to as the great prostitute or harlot in this week's lesson?
3. What does the metaphor of the marriage, the Lamb and the bride, represent?
Sunday, November 14, 2021 | Who's In Charge Here?
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Revelations 1:9-17
Background Scriptures: Revelation 11
Print Passage: Revelation 11:15-19
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What happened when the seventh angel sounded his trumpet?
2. What were the multitude of people doing in heaven?
3. Why were the nations angry and to whom is their anger directed?
Sunday, November 7, 2021 | The Rest of the Story
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Revelations 1:1-8
Background Scriptures: Revelation 7:9-17
Print Passage: Revelation 7:9-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Who are the multitude of people and where did they come from that John has a vision of seeing in heaven?
2. What are the multitude people in heaven saying and doing?
3. What is it that they will never experience again?
Sunday, October 31, 2021 | I Just Want to Celebrate
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ephesians 5:15-20
Background Scriptures: Psalm 147-150
Print Passage: Psalm 149:1-5; 150:1-6
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does the psalmist call on the people of God to do?
2. Why and how is music an important part of our worship?
3. How should we praise God?
Sunday, October 24, 2021 | Our House
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Chronicles 29:25-30
Background Scriptures: Psalm 84
Print Passage: Psalm 84:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did the psalmist have a strong desire and longing for?
2. Who are the blessed men and women as described by the psalmist?
3. What does the psalmist have to say about God's covering and protection to those who long to be in His presence?
Sunday, October 17, 2021 | I Shall Be Released
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 68:1-6
Background Scriptures: Psalm 107
Print Passage: Psalm 107:1-9; 39-43
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Who are the redeemed and what are they to declare to others?
2. Why should we praise and celebrate God?
3. What does David say about God blessing his people in times of oppression and affliction?
Sunday, October 10, 2021 | Ball of Confusion
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 10:17-21
Background Scriptures: Psalm 9, Ecclesiastes 3:16-22
Print Passage: Psalm 9:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why is the Psalmist praising God?
2. What does the Psalmist say about the righteous judge?
3. What is the Lord's reaction to our enemies as described by the writer of this Psalm?
Sunday, October 3, 2021 | Only You
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 66: 1-7
Background Scriptures: Psalm 100
Print Passage: Psalm 100:1-5
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the Psalmist encouraging us to do?
2. What are we to do when we enter the house of worship?
3. What is your attitude towards worship?
Sunday, September 26, 2021 | Celebrating In Unity
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 134
Background Scriptures: Acts 2:32-33, 37-47
Print Passage: Acts 2:32-33, 37-47
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Peter's message to the crowd?
2. What was the promise the people received when they repented and were baptized?
3. What was so significant about the early church?
Sunday, September 19, 2021 | Celebrating Expectantly
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: James 5:13-18
Background Scriptures: Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43
Print Passage: Mark 10:46-52
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Bartimaeus when he heard Jesus was passing by?
2. Why was Bartimaeus so desperate to get to Jesus?
3. What was Jesus question and response to Bartimaeus?
Sunday, September 12, 2021 | Celebrating With Enthusiasm
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-9
Background Scriptures: 2 Samuel 6
Print Passage: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 14-19
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why were King David and all of Israel celebrating?
2. How did they celebrate?
3. What was King David's wife's reaction when she saw him leaping and dancing before the Lord?
Sunday, September 5, 2021 | Celebrating With Song
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 105:1-2, 37-45
Background Scriptures: Exodus 14:1–15:21
Print Passage: Exodus 15:11-21
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Moses and the children of Israel singing about?
2. Why are the nations that Israel would face on their way to the land of Canaan fearful?
3. What did Miriam do?
Sunday, August 22, 2021 | Perfect Love
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture: John 4-5
Print Passage: John 4:2-4, 13-17; 5:4-5
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the Apostle Paul warning and cautioning believers to avoid?
2. What is the test of a true prophet?
3. How do we become a victorious overcomer?
Sunday, August 22, 2021 | Perfect Love
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture: John 4-5
Print Passage: John 4:2-4, 13-17; 5:4-5
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the Apostle Paul warning and cautioning believers to avoid?
2. What is the test of a true prophet?
3. How do we become a victorious overcomer?
Sunday, August 15, 2021 | Keep Going
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-30
Print Passage: Hebrews 11:23-36
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What kind of faith does the writer encourage believers to have?
2. What does the writer say about sin and judgement?
3. What does the writer say about willfully sinning after receiving the truth?
Sunday, August 8, 2021 | The Examples of Heroes
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture: Hebrews 11;13:1-19
Print Passage: Hebrews 11;13:1-19
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is faith?
2. Who are the elders or ancestors of faith presented in this week's lesson, and why were they chosen?
3. What does the author say to believers about remaining faithful until death?
Sunday, August 1, 2021 | Seeking Confidence
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture: Romans 10:5-17
Print Passage: Romans 10:5-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Paul's heartfelt desire for the Jews as expressed in this week's lesson?
2. What must one do to become righteous with God?
3. Who can deliver the gospel?
Sunday, July 25, 2021 | Seeking Reconciliation
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 53:1-12
Background Scripture: Romans 5:1-11
Print Passage: Romans 5:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is justification and what does it bring to the life of a Christian?
2. What does it mean to have peace with God?
3. What does Paul say about reconciliation?
Sunday, July 18, 2021 | Seeking Assurance
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 71:1-6, 17-24
Background Scripture: Romans 1
Print Passage: Romans 1:8-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does Paul say about faith versus works?
2. Why did Paul use Abraham and David as examples in this week's lesson?
3. What did Paul say about circumcision without faith?
Sunday, July 11, 2021 | A Gift to Strengthen You
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 71:1-6, 17-24
Background Scripture: Romans 1
Print Passage: Romans 1:8-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the Apostle Paul thanking God for in this week's lesson?
2. Why was the Apostle Paul longing to see the saints in Rome?
3. What does the Apostle Paul say about the gospel?
Sunday, July 4, 2021 | Expressing Thanks
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 56:1-8
Background Scripture: Leviticus 13–14; Luke 5:12-16; 17:11-19
Print Passage: Leviticus 13:45-46; Luke 17:11-19
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did the Leviticus Law require persons with leprosy to do?
2. What did the ten men with leprosy ask of Jesus?
3. What did Jesus say to the one man who returned in gratitude after his healing?
Sunday, June 27, 2021 | An Amazing Feat
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 38:16-20
Background Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33
Print Passage: Matthew 14:22-33
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Jesus do after He instructed His disciples to go to the other side?
2. What to Peter when he took his eyes off Jesus?
3. What did the disciples do when Jesus and Peter entered the boat?
Sunday, June 20, 2021 | A Healing Touch
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Proverbs 3:1-8
Background Scripture: Matthew 9:18-26;
Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56
Print Passage: Matthew 9:18-26
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did the ruler of the local synagogue seek Jesus?
2. Why was the woman in this lesson so determined to get to Jesus?
3. What was the common thread that connected both of the miracles in this week's lesson?
Sunday, June 13, 2021 | Calming the Storm
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 107:23-32
Background Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25
Print Passage: Matthew 8:23-27
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why were the disciples so afraid during the storm?
2. What did the disciples ask the Lord to do and why?
3. What did Jesus say to His disciples about their faith?
Sunday, June 1, 2021 | No Worries
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16
Background Scripture: Matthew 6:19-34
Print Passage: Matthew 6:25-34
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Jesus' message to His disciples and followers?
2. What does God say about His provision for our daily needs?
3. What does Jesus say about worry?
Sunday, May 30, 2021 | Changing for the Better
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Jonah 2
Background Scripture: Jonah 3
Print Passage: Jonah 3:1-10
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Jonah's message to the Ninevites?
2. What did the people of Nineveh do when they heard Jonah's message?
3. What did God do when he saw how the Ninevites turned from their evil ways?
Sunday, May 23, 2021 | Take Responsibility
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 147
Background Scripture: Ezekiel 18
Print Passage: Ezekiel 18:1-9, 30-32
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did the people in exile believe God was punishing them unjustly?
2. What individual action did Ezekiel describe in his profile description of a righteous man?
3. What did Ezekiel tell the people that they needed to do?
Sunday, May 16, 2021 | The Consequences of Giving Challenging Advice
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Jeremiah 38:7-13; 39:15-18
Background Scripture: Isaiah 29
Print Passage: Jeremiah 38:14-23
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Zedekiah call for Jeremiah?
2. What was Jeremiah's message to Zedekiah?
3. Why was Zedekiah so fearful of surrendering to the Babylonians?
Sunday, May 8, 2021 | Empty Rituals Are Useless
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Jeremiah 29:10-14
Background Scripture: Isaiah 29
Print Passage: Isaiah 29:13-24
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Isaiah condemn Judah's worship?
2. What happens when true worship occurs?
3. What does Isaiah say about the promise of a future transformation that will be vastly different?
Sunday, May 2, 2021 | Speak Truth Boldly
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 John 3:23–4:3a; Deuteronomy 18:19-22
Background Scripture: 1 Kings 22:1-40
Print Passage: 1 Kings 22:15-23, 26-28
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did King Ahab ask Micaiah?
2. What was Micaiah message to King Ahab?
3. What did Micaiah call upon the people to remember?
Sunday, April 25, 2021 | Overcoming Losses and Brokenness
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Lamentations 3:22-33
Background Scripture: Lamentations 5
Print Passage: Lamentations 5:1-22
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the prophet Jeremiah weeping and lamenting over in this week's lesson?
2. What were the people of Judah experiencing because of their disobedience and sin?
3. What was Jeremiah petitioning God to do?
Sunday, April 18, 2021 | Initiating Renewal
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Daniel 9:4-6, 15-19
Background Scripture: Nehemiah 2:11-20; 13:1-22
Print Passage: Nehemiah 2:11-20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Nehemiah do upon his arrival to Jerusalem?
2. What did Nehemiah challenge the people to do?
3. How did Nehemiah handle his adversaries?
Sunday, April 11, 2021 | Confession and Correction
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Ezekiel 18:25-32
Background Scripture: Ezra 9–10
Print Passage: Ezra 10:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Ezra calling the people to repent of?
2. Why were the men commanded to send away their wives and children?
3. What did Ezra publicly call the people to do, and what was there response?
Sunday, April 4, 2021 | Finding Hope In the Midst of Oppression
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Philippians 2:1-11
Background Scripture: Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Luke 24:1-35
Print Passage: Isaiah 53:4-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Who is the Suffering Servant?
2. What does this lesson say about the Suffering Servant's substitutionary death?
3. What is the source of hope for everyone today?
Sunday, March 28, 2021 | The Bearer of Bad News
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Luke 19:28-39
Background Scripture: 1 Kings 18–19; Matthew 17:1-13
Print Passage: 1 Kings 18:5-18
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What lead to the three-year drought in Israel?
2. Why was Obadiah reluctant to deliver Elijah's message?
3. What was Elijah's message to Ahab?
Sunday, March 21, 2021 | Seeking Wisdom For the Future
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 25:1-10
Background Scripture: 2 Kings 22
Print Passage: 2 Kings 22:14-20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What actions did Josiah take after hearing "The Book of the Law" being read?
2. What was God's message to Josiah as related to him by the prophetess Huldah?
3. What did God promise to Josiah, and why?
Sunday, March 14, 2021 | Making Wise Choices
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Hebrews 11:23-31
Background Scripture: Joshua 5:13–6:27
Print Passage: Joshua 5:13-15; 6:1-5, 15-16, 20
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was significant about Joshua's encounter with the true Commander-In-Chief, the Lord Himself?
2. What weapons did God use for the destruction of Jericho?
3. What does this lesson say about obedience and following God's command?
Sunday, March 7, 2021 | Following True Leaders
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 77:11-20
Background Scripture: Exodus 12:28-50; Deuteronomy 18:15-22
Print Passage: Deuteronomy 18:15-22
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was Moses' final message to the children of Israel as they prepared to possess the Promise Land?
2. What are the guidelines for determining a true prophet of God?
Sunday, February 28, 2021 | Showing Generous Hospitality
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 33:1-12
Background Scripture: Acts 16:11-15, 40; 1 Corinthians 1:26-30
Print Passage: Acts 16:11-15, 40; 1 Corinthians 1:26-30
Here are some questions to consider:
1. After arriving in Philippi, where and to whom did Paul deliver the Gospel message?
2. How did Lydia respond to the Gospel message she heard Paul preach? What did she do?
3. What does Paul say about God's call and use of ordinary people in His work and service?
Sunday, February 21, 2021 | Risk Taker
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Colossians 4:7-15
Background Scripture: Acts 18:1-26; Romans 16:3-4; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19
Print Passage: Acts 18:1-3, 18-21, 24-26; Romans 16:3-4
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was the common connection between Paul, Priscilla, and Aquila?
2. What did Priscilla and Aquila share with Apollos and why?
3. Why was Paul so grateful to Priscilla and Aquila?
Sunday, February 14, 2021 | Showing Loyalty
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 4:13-25
Background Scripture: Mark 15:40; 16:1-9; Luke 8:1-3; John 20:10-18
Print Passage: Luke 8:1-3; Mark 15:40; John 20:10-18
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did the women who followed and supported Jesus' ministry have in common?
2. Why was Mary Magdalene weeping so profusely at the tomb where Jesus' body was laid?
3. What did Jesus direct Mary to go and do?
Sunday, February 7, 2021 | No Insignificant Witnesses
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 1:37-51
Background Scripture: John 1:37-51; 4:25-42
Print Passage: John 4:25-42
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Jesus say He had to go through Samaria?
2. What did Jesus offer the woman at the well?
3. What did the woman at the well do in response to Jesus' offer?
Sunday, January 31, 2021 | Women Speak Out
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Joel 2:28-32
Background Scripture: Luke 2:36-38; Acts 1:12-14; 2:16-21; 21:8-9
Print Passage: Luke 2:36-38; Acts 2:16-21; 21:8-9
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Simeon and Anna both have in common?
2. What was included in Joel's prophecy?
3. What was so significant about Peter mentioning Philip's daughters?
Sunday, January 24, 2021 | Standing in the Gap
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-7a
Background Scripture: John 17:14-24
Print Passage: John 17:14-24
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What does it mean to be in the world, but not of the world?
2. How does a follower of Christ become sanctified?
3. What is the believer's purpose in the world today?
Sunday, January 17, 2021 | Healing for the Whole Person
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 103:1-14
Background Scripture: Mark 2:1-12
Print Passage: Mark 2:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What actions did the men take to get their friend who was paralyzed to Jesus?
2. How did Jesus respond to the faith that was demonstrated by the friends of the paralyzed man?
3. What were the scribes thinking when Jesus said, "Son, your sins are forgiven."?
Sunday, January 10, 2021 | The Ultimate Fish Story
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Luke 9:57-62
Background Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
Print Passage: Matthew Luke 5:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why did Jesus instruct Peter to move his boat further out in the water?
2. When Jesus finished teaching, what did he tell Peter to do?
3. What was Peter's response to the overflow of fish he witnessed?
Sunday, January 3, 2021 | An Amazing Ministry
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Deuteronomy 8:1-11
Background Scripture: Luke 4
Print Passage: Matthew Luke 4:14-22a
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What did Jesus do and say that confirmed His ministry?
2. What was Jesus' mission?
3. What is our mission today?
Sunday, December 27, 2020 | Get Ready
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 1:19-34
Background Scripture: Matthew 3
Print Passage: Matthew 3:1-12
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What message did John the Baptist preach?
2. Why did the Pharisees and Sadducees come out to hear John the Baptist?
3. What did John the Baptist say to the Pharisees and Sadducees?
Sunday, December 20, 2020 | International Honor for the King of the World
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Exodus 1:8-22
Background Scripture: Matthew 2:7-15
Print Passage: Matthew 2:7-15
Here are some questions to consider:
1. Why was King Herod so interested in finding out about the Christ child?
2. When the wise men arrived at the house where Jesus was, what did they do?
3. What did the angel instruct Joseph to do and what was his response?
Sunday, December 13, 2020 | Called to Participate in a Promise
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 42:1-9
Background Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25
Print Passage: Matthew 1:18-25
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What was unique about the conception of Jesus’ birth?
2. What did the angel reveal to Joseph?
Sunday, December 6, 2020 | Fulfilling One's Call
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 102:12-22
Background Scripture: Hebrews 1; Matthew 1:1-17
Print Passage: Hebrews 1:1-5; Matthew 1:1-6, 16-17
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the nature and identity of Jesus Christ?
2. Why was it important for the writer to recount Jesus’ lineage?
Sunday, November 29, 2020 | A Community of Equals
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Matthew 12:1-8
Background Scripture: James 2
Print Passage: James 2:1-13
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is required to produce spiritual fruit?
2. What is the mark of Christian discipleship?
Sunday, November 22, 2020 | Sharing Love In Truth
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Background Scripture: Acts 4:32, 5:11
Print Passage: Acts 4:32-37, 5:1-11
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is required to produce spiritual fruit?
2. What is the mark of Christian discipleship?
Sunday, November 15, 2020 | Loving Others
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Hebrews 13:1-8
Background Scripture: 1 John 3:11-24; 2 John 4-11; 3 John 5-8
Print Passage: 1 John 3:11-24
1. What does John say about loving one another?
2. What were the challenges facing the church that Apostle John addressed?
Sunday, November 8, 2020 | The Love Connection
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 80:7-19
Background Scripture: John 15:4-17
Print Passage: John 15:4-17
1. What is required to produce spiritual fruit?
2. What is the mark of Christian discipleship?
Sunday, November 1, 2020 | Upside-Down Love
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 15: 18-26:4a
Background Scripture: John 13:1-35
Print Passage: John 13:1-15, 34-35
1. Why did Peter object to Jesus washing His feet?
2. What was Jesus teaching His disciples in this week’s lesson about serving others?
Sunday, October 25, 2020 | The Most Excellent Way
Taught By Deacon Carl Windham
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Romans 12:9-21
Background Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:27-14:1
Print Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Sunday, October 18, 2020 | Meeting the Needs of Others
Taught By Deacon Carl Windham
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 5:1-15
Background Scripture: Leviticus 19:18, 34; Luke 10:25-37
Print Passage: Luke 10:25-37
1. How did Jesus respond to the lawyer’s question?
2. Who is our neighbor?
3. Why did the Priest and Levite pass by and not help the man in need?
Sunday, October 11, 2020 | Overcoming Self Interest
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 1:12-17
Background Scripture: Luke 6:27-36
Print Passage: Luke 6:27-36
1. What does Jesus tell his followers to do?
2. What is unconditional love?
Sunday, October 4, 2020 | A True Friend Intervenes
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Matthew 5:43-48
Background Scripture: Samuel 19:1-7; 23:1-18; II Samuel 9
Print Passage: Samuel 19:1-17
1. Why did Saul want to kill David?
2. What was Jonathan’s strategy to save David’s life?
Sunday, September 27, 2020 | Love Prevails Over All
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: John 14:1-14
Background Scripture: Genesis 43; 45:1-15
Print Passage: 45:1-8, 10-15
1. What emotions were his brothers most likely experiencing when they realized this was indeed Joseph?
2. How did Joseph respond to his brothers?
Sunday, September 20, 2020 | Haunted By Shame
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Devotional Reading: Psalms 51
Background Scripture: Genesis 42
Print Passage: Genesis 42:6-25
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. What did Joseph do when he recognized his brothers?
2. How can being mistreated by others lead to self-examination?
3. What can we learn from Joseph about reconciliation?
Sunday, September 13, 2020 | Love Versus Bitterness
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture: Genesis 41:14-57
Print Passage: Genesis 41:25-33, 37-40, 50-52
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. Why is it important to acknowledge and seek God in all that we do?
2. What was it that Joseph did that moved him from the prison to the palace?
3. Given all of the negative things that Joseph experienced, what was the outcome of his relationship with God?
Sunday, September 6, 2020 | When Love Is Lost
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture: Genesis 37 Print Passage: Genesis 37:2-11, 23-24a, 28
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. What are the dangers of parental favoritism?
2. What was it about Joseph’s dreams that didn’t sit well with his brothers?
3. Why did Joseph’s brothers have such contempt for him?
Sunday, August 30, 2020 | Wise Up!
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture and Print Passage: James 3:13-18; 5:7-12
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. What does James say about Godly wisdom and worldly wisdom?
2. Why is it important for Christians to practice patience?
3. What is James implying, when he says, “Let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay.”
Sunday, August 23, 2020 | Bite Your Tongue
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture and Print Passage: James 3:1-12
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. What does James say to those who want to become teachers?
2. What does James say about taming the tongue?
3. How is the tongue likened to a forest fire?
Sunday, August 16, 2020 | Just Do It
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture and Print Passage: James 2:14-26
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. What does James say about faith and works?
2. How can we demonstrate our faith today?
3. How did Abraham and Rahab demonstrate their faith?
3. What are some ways that we can put God’s Word into practice?
Sunday, August 2, 2020 | Ask for It
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance (SSL-AAG)
Background Scripture and Print Passage: James 1:1-11
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
- What does James mean when he says, “count it all joy” in our trials?
- Why is wisdom so important in our lives?
- What does James say about the lowly, the rich, and riches?
Sunday, July 26, 2020 | Finding One's Way
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance
Background Scripture: Proverbs 3:17; 8:32-36; John 14:1-14
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. Why were Jesus’ Disciples having difficulty understanding what He was saying?
2. What did Jesus say to His disciples to offer them comfort in the midst of their sadness?
3. Why do you think John Chapter 14 is often read at funerals?
Sunday, July 19, 2020 | Wisdom That Astounds and Offends
Sunday School Lesson At-A-Glance Background Scripture: Mark 6:1-6; 7:1-23
Print Passage: Mark 6:1-6
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. What were the reactions of Jesus’ hometown people towards Him?
2. Why was it so difficult for Jesus’ hometown to accept Him?
3. What was Jesus’ response to the rejection received from His hometown people?
Sunday, July 12, 2020 | Wisdom that Amazes
Background Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15; Luke 2:39-52
Print Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7b; Luke 2:39-52
Based on the International Sunday School Lesson
1. How do we really know when it’s the right time to be silent or to speak?
2. What was unique about Jesus at the age of 12?